Madeleine's adolescence is in full swing: boys, horror movies, gore sites, and dangers lurking around every corner. But Mad's a big girl now. She knows how to handle herself... Right?
It is not lost on me the introduction of Pig imagery in the story and in some of the covers. If you've read Lovesick, you'd remember that Domino's subjects/victims are called pigs. Along with the nightmares of men in pig masks that Domino had. Read Full Review
The story feels like its definitely going somewhere and there could be some really interesting angles on much of whats going on around the edges of Madelines psyche, but there is still quite a bit of story yet to be revealed as the series ends its second issue. Theres quite a bit of forward momentum as Madeline gets deeper and deeper into potentially dangerous territory surrounding the edges of everything as it all moves forward into the third issue next month. Read Full Review