The long-awaited sequel to THE BULLETPROOF COFFIN!
When indie publisher Image Nation hires Shaky Kane to write and draw his own comic book, the artist finally finds himself free from the tedium of visualizing the geriatric ramblings of washed-up hack, David Hine. See the awful consequences as jealous rivalry leads to a bloody showdown on the convention floor.
Overall a fun comic that makes you inappropriately laugh at the subject matter, even if you don't want to. Read Full Review
Without knowing anything about the Bulletproof Coffin series, I can say this book is in a league of its own. This story is about comic creators and its fans. Its also about consumerism, entitlement, paranoia and getting too close to your creations. Reading the book, the amount of pure love that the real Hine and Kane (writer and artist, respectfully) have for comics is made perfectly clear. It is also clear the amount of frustration and distain they have for the craft as well. Its a uniquely honest book, with an entertaining narrative at its core. Read Full Review