Womanthology - Space #1
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Womanthology - Space #1

Writer: Sandy Carpenter, Bonnie Burton, Chrissie Zullo Artist: Ming Doyle, Stephanie Hans, Jessica Hickman Publisher: IDW Publishing Release Date: September 19, 2012 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 3
7.3Critic Rating
N/AUser Rating

Womanthology: Space, the follow up to the hit Kickstarter project, Womanthology: Heroic, starts off with the first of five out-of-this-world issues: Moon. Each issue contains three 6-page stories, plus pinups, how-tos, and more, by women of all ages and experience. Check out a haunted space station, a snarky robot, and so much more in this debut issue.

  • 8.0
    Comic Bastards - Dustin Cabeal Sep 19, 2012

    There are a few more stories, but obviously I’m not going to rant about them all and leave something for you all to enjoy. The thing that this anthology does very well is tell space stories. I can’t speak for everyone, but I love random ideas and situations set in space. It’s why people have latched on to Star Wars and cling to it even still as it rapidly declines in quality. I’m most thankful for this series because it brings life back to a genre that has been neglected by the industry. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comics Crux - Jessica Tarnate May 10, 2013

    Im thrilled that Womanthology has an ongoing series now. Its a less overwhelming way to get acquainted with various female writers, artists, creators, etc. Though I loved the idea of Womanthology: Heroic, I think the ongoing Womanthology: Space allows readers to become familiar with each short story. These stories varied so much in terms of tone, style and humor that they deserve a little extra reading time for each. If this is just the beginning of what the Space series has to offer, then Im definitely anticipating the short stories that come next. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comic Book Resources - Jennifer Cheng Sep 20, 2012

    "Womanthology: Space" #1 showcases a broad variety of art styles and approaches to the theme of Space, but like most anthologies, the offerings are uneven. Read Full Review

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