Outmatched by the Decepticons, running on empty, and on the ropes, Marty McFly and the Autobot Gigawatt show why nobody calls them chicken! Will the final confrontation be in Marty's future, or will he and his companions make it back to fix the timestream before the Decepticons win? Find out in the heaviest issue of the whole series!
Every crossover event should feel this important, this epic in scope and create these types of ripples. All we can hope for is that is not truly the end as the final page hints at. We really needed a big banner at the end exclaiming it will be continued as with the original BTTF film. Here's hoping the sequel brings back this same brilliant team as does not take quite as long to come to fruition as the second film. Read Full Review
It's neither fish nor fowl, but I'll be darned if it's not a fun story when it all shakes down. You might even get surprised, which I didn't expect. Read Full Review