Transformers Prime: Beast Hunters #6

Writer: Mairghread Scott, Mike Johnson Artist: Agustin Padilla Publisher: IDW Publishing Release Date: October 30, 2013 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 2 User Reviews: 1
6.0Critic Rating
7.0User Rating

With Cybertron reformed, the underground tunnels and caves have become unstable. It's up to the DINOBOTS to lead the underground survivors to safety on the surface. But with the waters rising and the walls collapsing, making it out alive may be tougher than it sounds...

  • 7.0
    Unleash The Fanboy - Edward Oct 29, 2013

    In short, it's not amazing but its a good read and leads well off of the other issue. Yet the ending doesn't necessarily leave you on a cliffhanger, which makes the last two issues all the more intriguing. Read Full Review

  • 5.0
    Big Comic Page - David McIntyre Oct 29, 2013

    Unfortunately I can't in good conscience give this book anything more than a 5/10. The story works on the levels that it's seeking to reach but we expect a lot more than something passablein our Transformers fiction now. It's a shame, I feel like the series could have had real potential if it had stretched itself slightly further in terms of the stories it's trying to tell. Fans of the Dinobotsmay find something to tickle their fancy in here, as they are all present and accounted for but outside of that I simply can't find a good reason to read the book – although doing so certainly won't offend the senses (unlike some other Transformers comics I can think of. I'm looking at your, Micromasters.) Read Full Review

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