Transformers: More Than Meets The Eye #56

Writer: James Roberts Artist: Priscilla Tramontano Publisher: IDW Publishing Release Date: August 17, 2016 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 2 User Reviews: 2
9.1Critic Rating
8.5User Rating

TITANS RETURN! On Luna 1, nothing ever happens-and as far as FORTRESS MAXIMUS and RED ALERT are concerned, nothing ever will. After all, who else could possibly be interested in the Luna 1's birthing field and its graveyard full of dead Titans?
•   You've never seen a TRANSFORMERS crossover like this before!
•   Ties directly in to this month's TRANSFORMERS!
•   Sets the stage for next month's REVOLUTION!

  • 9.2
    Comic Crusaders - Lead Sharp Aug 19, 2016

    The art can be forgiven for the occasional lapse in coherent story telling as the design and detail in these things makes my inner artist want to cry. The writing to, though strong in both plot and character sometimes I worry it might not come up for air as it dives into this mechanical universe. But there's some wonderful characters and one clever bit where Red Alert (the paranoid… Robot HA!) dissects and analyses the actual speech balloon of Fortress Maximus (the leader of the moon based Autobots). It's a brilliant bit of meta nonsense and makes a comic about a toy line an absolute must read. 4.6/5 Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    BGCP - Dave MacPhail Aug 17, 2016

    This particular tale is off to an excellent start but has the misfortune of being part of a larger event meaning that although anyone can pick this up and read it, much of the enjoyment from this issue will come from having read the other books in the event. Even taken on its own though, this issue has enough going on that that should the reader decide not to follow the whole event they will still find a lot to love here. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Gizmo Dec 16, 2016

    Read this issue after you read Transformers (Robots in Diguise) #57, if you read both titles. There is inconsistency with how Sovereign's head looks from how it was at the end of Transformers #57, there must have been a bit of a mix-up behind the scenes. I'm not sure what's going on with Red Alert, but we'll find out soon enough, I'm sure. That bit where Red Alert micro-analyses a couple lines of expository dialogue is funny and a little meta.

  • 9.0
    mseccatore Aug 29, 2016

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