Everyone's favorite hothead usually packs quite a punch, but after a dangerous Foot Clan ambush, Raphael will have to rely on his brothers to do the punching. With the clock ticking, will Leo, Mikey, and Don be able to overcome the odds against Shredder's assassins?!
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles New Animated Adventures #4 is a sterling addition to a re-imagined property that's as much fun as you'd honestly want it to be. Recommended. Read Full Review
And one more thing: Michelangelo's impression of Raphael is flaweless. Read Full Review
Writer Erik Burnham steps in with this issue and the comic doesn't miss a beat as it continues to have the same feel, pace, and humor of the latest Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles cartoon. Aside from the action, the issue also teaches lessons to both Raphael (to not be so quick to run head-first into action) and his brothers (who need to adopt Raphael's reckless style to save him). Worth a look. Read Full Review
From the perspective of an educator, I love how each issue tries to teach the reader some lesson; especially this issue in which Splinter teaches the boys that having different viewpoints on something is a strong attribute. Splinter is always the voice of reason. He is such an iconic character. I really do believe that. In every comic, movie, or show that comes out, Splinter is the same rat. That goes to show how all people see him as this universal character, like God or Morgan Freeman. I hope the writers keep these lessons up, because it adds a nice touch. Read Full Review