Super Trash Clash OGN
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Super Trash Clash OGN

Writer: Edgar Camacho Artist: Edgar Camacho Publisher: IDW Publishing Release Date: November 30, 2022 Cover Price: $14.99 Critic Reviews: 2
8.8Critic Rating
N/AUser Rating

It's an age-old story: for her birthday, Dul wanted the hottest new video game, but her mom accidentally bought her Super Trash Clash-one of the worst games ever made. But years later, when an older Dul finds a cartridge in a vintage store, memories come flooding back: simpler times when she could disappear into electronic worlds or spend hours battling with friends and enemies, and the love and sacrifices that bound her family together. This vivid and action-packed graphic novel from Mexican rising star Edgar Camacho is a heartwarming reflection on what gaming means to kids, crammed full of Easter eggs and tributes to the games that s more

  • 10
    Kabooooom - Matt Morrison Nov 24, 2022

    Super Trash Clash is an enjoyable slice of nostalgia for Gen Xers and elder Millennials, but may also appeal to those modern gamers who want to learn about how things were back in the day when arcades were commonplace and video game consoles a hot new commodity. Edgar Camacho's artwork invites favorable comparison to that of Bryan Lee O'Malley and his writing has the heart of O. Henry. The reader truly feels for Dul as she fights through the 90's Kid equivalent of A Christmas Story. This graphic novel will sing to anyone whose parents spent hours in line at the Toys R' Us trying to secure a copy of Super Mario Bros. 3. Read Full Review

  • 7.5
    AIPT - Holly Woodbury Nov 29, 2022

    Super Trash Clash had lots of promise, but there were some things that were lacking that would have made it even better. Read Full Review

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