The special "Legacy of Spock" event continues here! As the future of New Vulcan hangs in the balance, the elder Spock finds himself a prisoner of the Romulan Empire! Don't miss this exciting chapter the in 50th Anniversary Celebration of the STAR TREK franchise!
Of course, in a story arc like this – almost a mini-series in many ways, it is the conclusion that makes or breaks the entire piece. This is a fine set up for that final issue, and Johnson and Shasteen are making sure not to give away any hints about the conclusion. Obviously, it will continue to feature fine writing and powerful art from a creative team that is striving to remain true to the performances that created the legendary Science Fiction franchise and the ideals of the revered Great Bird of the Galaxy who dreamt the whole thing up. Read Full Review
ConclusionTo sum up this issue; Spock has been found guilty by a Romulan court and has been sentenced. I won't give away the sentence but it doesn't take a genius to figure what the Romulans want to do to Spock Prime, it's what they want to do to the remaining Vulcans. We see a large Romulan fleet about to go into battle. In true Star Trek fashion, Spock should not be underestimated. His powers of deduction, given his ancestry on his mother's side, are elementary. Read Full Review
Star Trek: Legacy of Spock is clearly coming to a rather explosive and climatic ending next month, though I think I may have worked out what happened to Ceti Alpha VI! Read Full Review
For a reader coming into the series half way thru, unless you were a long time Treker or Trekie, a first time reader would be completley lost. The name dropping and parts with Captain Picard and Data at the beginning of the story and then with them disappearing will leave plenty wondering what they had picked up. With one more book to come out which will complete this saga, it is probably better to wait for the trade paperback. Unless you are a Trekie, and then you will be able to pick this up and have no problem following Spock for one more final trek to the stars. Read Full Review