The crew of the Enterprise sets course for Vulcan to procure evidence that will exonerate their commander of Starfleet's charges. But what they learn about Number One's species, the Illyrians, calls everything into question. Don't miss the exhilarating finale of the tie-in to the hit Paramount+ series Strange New Worlds!
Overall. I had fun with this series and would love for IDW to commit to an ongoing series using these characters. I'd also love to learn more about the Illrian race and see how they progress in both the TV and Comics universe. Read Full Review
Captains log: Deleted until next time, where we will hopefully learn more about the The Illyrian Enigma. Read Full Review
Levens delivers some stunning art throughout the issue. From the ship designs to the environments and characters, I love the visual look and style of this issue. Read Full Review
As good and as authentic as this limited series has been, it fails to stick the landing for fear of interfering with the larger story being told by the streaming series. While the writers have captured the series' tone and characters' voices, by the time this final issue is over, you find yourself asking the point of the story. Read Full Review
Star Trek: Strange New Worlds The Illyrian Enigma #4 closes out the Star Trek: Discovery spinoff's first comic book adventure by keeping up the stellar quality of the previous issues. That perfectly-balanced blend of seriousness and lightheartedness is intact, best exemplified by Captain Pike's dialogue, equal measures passionate and playful. Read Full Review