Alexander has but one errand left on his Quv Rite: the Errand of Vengeance. In it, he must find the orchestrator of his dishonor, Kahless II... and kill him. But is a swift death the vengeance Alexander seeks? And is it the end his manipulator deserves?
Meanwhile, the fate of O'Brien and Rocaught in their fight against the Cardassians and Section 31remains unresolved. It'll be interesting to see how that plays out. Read Full Review
Star Trek Defiant #29 maintains its high quality storytelling, and now appears to be reconnecting with the prime Star Trek series as the Lore War hovers just beyond the horizon. Read Full Review
This remains an excellent book with strong visuals set against interesting advances in characterizations and conflicts. The hope is that this book won't be sidelined by crossovers but remains on its own path to develop its own characters and conflicts. Read Full Review
Unzueta delivers powerful and beautifully detailed art throughout the issue. I loved the shots of Kahless alone and how his journey visually showcases his fall from grace. Read Full Review