Sisko is stuck outside space-time on Bajor. He does not know if his crew and his family are alive or if his universe even exists beyond this plane. All Sisko knows is that he must stop Lore before everyone and everything he loves is destroyed forever. To do that, he must build the Orbs of Destiny. It all comes down to this. If there's any hope for a future, the Prophets will reveal it now.
The feat of combining internal struggle with metaphysical conflict with incredible art makes this a unique tale in a standout run. This is the type of book which could have been a stand alone graphic novel, and the fact that we get this quality every month in serial form remains astounding a true tribute to the faith IDW has in keeping this writing team on this book for the long run and pairing them with incredible artists in every single issue. Read Full Review
A solid issue that ends with a fantastic twist that I think will surprise readers. Read Full Review
Fowler delivers some beautiful art throughout the issue. The visuals are stylish and feel outside of the style of the rest of the series, which is exactly what it should do by giving the story an ethereal feel. Read Full Review
Overall, Star Trek #29 is another solid issue full of interesting character beats, and a final reveal that promises some challenging and exciting stories to come. Read Full Review
If Jonathan Hickman wrote an issue of Star Trek, it would be this one. A brilliant, complicated masterpiece.