Welcome to the Pleroma, a place outside time and space where god-level species have gathered to discuss the fate of the universe! It's up to Captain Sisko and his valiant crew of the U.S.S. Theseus to persuade the gods to allow them to help repair Kahless' unraveling of space-time-but will they listen to mere mortals responsible for their prophesied undoing?
Another solid issue with a great cliffhanger ending that will keep readers on the edge of their seats until the next book is released. Will Beverly find her son Wesley and what will become of the Sisko? I can't wait to find out. Read Full Review
Levens delivers beautiful art in the issue. The visuals are vibrant and wonderfully detailed. I really loved the environments and how they brought back great Star Trek memories. Read Full Review
There's some concern here that the story is growing too big, too godly, to remain concise and relatable, the erasure of the Organians from the timeline feeling like a mere statistic compared to the individual lives of those among the ship's crew, but the plot plays out like a classic, diplomacy-heavy Star Trek episode and concludes on a strong enough hook to leave fans eager for more. Read Full Review
Star Trek #21 is a densely packed adventure which really does go where no one has gone before. The series continues pushing the boundaries of where the franchise is willing to go in comic books and does so with an eagerness for portraying the best that Star Trek has to offer. Read Full Review