Its time for the deeper darker side of GI Joe. Things are getting murky in the spy world for our real American heroes. Trying to set a trap for the terrorist cell known as the Night Creepers , things go south for our heroes. Meanwhile Tomax plays head games with the communications expert Clockspring. This title is a less action more investigation kind of book. The art style is more gritty and dark compared to the other books but it works better for this story. The colors are dark with a lot of shades and shadows. This isnt your average GI Joe book and thats what makes it work. Deeper story and background on characters we already know working out of their element and changing sides. It you are looking for something new and different, this is the book for you. Read Full Review
Easily the best out of the three current G.I. Joe series. Read Full Review
Although light on action there's plenty of story here that sets up a big throwdown between the team and the Night Creepers to come. This issue also gives us Tomax continuing to play his mind games on Clockspring and turn one of Chameleon's most loyal soldiers against her. Worth a look. Read Full Review