"What Dreams May Come," Part 5! Grand Finale! By leaning in to everything that unites them and eschewing that which divides them, can the Ghostbusters turn the tables on "Schrecky"? In an attempt to save the city, the Ghostbusters venture into Schreckgespenst's nightmare-scape one last time, to defeat him on his own turf!
• This is it! Don't miss the ladies from the 2016 film in their very own series!
• Can they finally give "Schrecky" a taste of his own medicine or will Holtzmann's crazy new machine just kill everyone?! Maybe both, people. MAYBE BOTH.
• And will Kevin ever get to be a real Ghostbuster? Or will he j more
Corin Howell and Valentina Pinto's visuals are stylish but don't lose the joyful nature of the series, and hopefully, we'll see this group back in action long before Kevin learns how to use a plugged-in phone. Read Full Review
An extremely satisfying and fun conclusion that will please readers of all ages. I can only hope that IDW doesn't wait too long to have these heroes back in action, with the creative team that was behind this success. I need more! Read Full Review
Ghostbusters: Answer the Call #5 is a fitting end to a five-issue narrative arc and leaves you waiting eagerly for the next chapter in the Ghostbusters world-saving heroics! (And also hoping that Kevin finally gets his own car!) Read Full Review