Doctor Who - The Forgotten #3

Publisher: IDW Publishing Critic Reviews: 1 User Reviews: 1
8.0Critic Rating
10User Rating

  • 8.0
    Major Spoilers - Matthew Peterson Nov 27, 2008

    Next issue promises the return of the ugliest coat ever known to man, and hopefully Pia Guerra, though this month's art was hardly inadequate. For a Whovian, the references are plentiful and entertaining, and it's nice to see the playfulness of Tom Baker's era return. The overall effect of this issue is one of painstaking love for the character and his adventures, and the art (while not capturing the character likenesses as well as Guerra) is still very well done, and gets the hard-to-draw face of David Tennant dead on. It's a really good issue of a really well done series, and probably my favorite read of the week. Doctor Who: The Forgotten #3 earns 4 out of5 stars. Since it is Thanksgiving day, I'd also like to thank y'all, the faithful Spoilerites for supporting whatever it is that we do here. We wouldn't be having this kind of fun without your support, your aid and abetment, and it's only because of the readers that we get to act the fool like this on a regular basis. Read Full Review

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