The future is Now! Tom Sniegoski's return to Vampirella continues as the Vengeance series battles into its third issue.
This issue Hemorrhage prepares to strike and is reunited with Mistress Nyx while Pendragon attempts to restore Vampirella to her former self! But, will the Daughter of Drakulon be strong enough - or willful enough - to face this new combined threat and restore order to a world gone dead!
I'm enjoying Vengeance of Vampirella overall but I'm also still in that point of wondering why we have it when there's a relaunch series underway and we just had a slew of other miniseries. Michael Sta. Maria's artwork is a real draw but the story just feels like a variant of the relaunch a couple of years ago that fell apart quickly. I do like the use of Nyx here and things are moving at a slower pace that works for me as we get a handle on this particular world design. I'm definitely open to what it's doing and where it wants to go but something still just feels a little off about the whole thing. Read Full Review
'Vengeance of Vampire' #3 with Vampi back at full strength sets up an impending battle with Nyx. The series feels like it's back on track now that Vampi is truly back from the dead. It's picking up steam and it won't be an easy confrontation even though Nyx welcomes it. This is the Vampi we know and love. Read Full Review
Thomas Sniegoski has returned to writing this story of Vampirella with that futuristic twist. He did a good job of bringing us long-time fans back into the fold and introducing new fans to an entirely new world of Vampirella a perfect series for any fans of this genre. Thomas did a great job bridging his original series with this new series. Read Full Review