Vampirella / Dracula: Unholy #1
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Vampirella / Dracula: Unholy #1

Writer: Christopher Priest Artist: Donny Hadiwidjaja Publisher: Dynamite Entertainment Release Date: December 15, 2021 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 5
6.8Critic Rating
N/AUser Rating

The honeymoon begins! The adventure of several lifetimes begins as Vampirella and new husband Matt journey to Castle Dracula in Transylvania in an attempt to cheat fate by preventing both a high-tech virus and an ancient curse from using Matt’s body to resurrect the deadliest threat the world has ever known. Meanwhile secrets and mystery grow around Vampi’s spouse, who may not be nearly as innocent as he appears to be. Join us for this new series debut by twice-bitten writer Christopher Priest and bloodthirsty artist Donny Hadiwidjaja!

  • 8.0
    Comic Crusaders - Johnny "The Machine" Hughes Dec 15, 2021

    Vampi has been having something of a resurgence of late for me; I may be late to the Priest party, but Tom Sniegoski and Jeannine Acheson's Vampiverse has been fun. Priest has certainly draped Vampi in more than her swimsuit, instead letting the cape of horror and macabre swirl. Read Full Review

  • 7.5
    The Comicbook Dispatch - Dispatchdcu Dec 15, 2021

    Vampirella/ Dracula: Unholy #1 is a good start to the Dracula virus quest, with good action and humor peppered throughout an issue that promises more surprises to come. Read Full Review

  • 7.5
    Comical Opinions - Gabriel Hernandez Dec 15, 2021

    VAMPIRELLA/DRACULA: UNHOLY #1 kicks off a new arc following up from the last Vampirella volume with Ella married to the man who could be reborn as Dracula and their mission to stop the worst case scenario from happening. Priests writing style is consistently chaotic, which may be an acquired taste for some, and the new artist on the team has a solid eye for gritty designs, albeit a little too gritty in spots. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    BGCP - Andy MacGregor Dec 19, 2021

    So one thing I really didn't enjoy about the book is the amount of referrals to previous issues. which I feel detracts from the fluidity of the book. And having never read a Vampirella book before, the need to refer to previous books for context was off-putting. But due to this, it's not a book I see myself returning to in the future. The book itself isn't bad but it's not something I found myself enjoying and would recommend. Fans of Vampirella may disagree and enjoy the book more than I did. Read Full Review

  • 5.0
    The Fandom Post - Chris Beveridge Dec 15, 2021

    I love Vampirella as a character and I've read so many interpretations of her over the past decade from so many different writers. Some have been great, some mediocre, others just weren't a great fit. For me, Priest falls into the not a great fit category but it's been a while since I had last seen how it was. So I wanted to give this one a chance once I got it started since it can be viewed as a fresh start story. But it's just so tied to the events of the main book, or at least feels that way, and it shifts all over the place as to when things happen that it didn't connect for me at all. What was a big plus for me was the artwork from Donny Hadiwidjaja as it has a lot of great things going for it with some good layouts and appealing character designs. I'm curious to see where their career takes them to based on this. Read Full Review

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