Vampirella makes her stage debut as an icon, but the spotlight can be deadly. Everyone in Hollywood seems to have their secrets, from the mysterious Slade to Vampi's new agent, Juliette Court. As her star rises, so do... (wait for it) ...the STAKES!
Leth is very much at home as both writer and artist, and although Cassalos has worked with female writers, he is usually associated with veteran writers like Cullen Bunn, Tony Lee or Joe Harris. Cassalos art style is different than Leth's, and she is smart enough to take advantage of his talent. At the same time, Cassalos is working with a writer who sees the medium in a different way. Leth's background in webcomics gives her a different perspective on space and panel structure, and Cassalos is using that to his advantage as well. Someone at Dynamite is thinking outside the box " this is a solid creative team. Read Full Review
Our creative team continues to entertain on the same level as the previous issue. Kate Leth mixes horror and humor on every page with a dose of pathos for good measure and the art by Eman Casallos is a good compliment to the story being appropriately dark where needed and light when called for. I love my horror/comedy comics and movies. Bring on those vampires in bikinis! High camp shenanigans at their best. Read Full Review
Vampirella does more than appeal to the teenaged 90s goth that resides within my soul, it appeals to the grown up that wears my body and pays bills and stuff. It's not only fun and relevant but it takes something that I, and others, have previously found intimidating and made it accessible to newcomers and women, alike. Its one more step in the right direction and I am excited to see where this step takes us. Read Full Review
'Vampirella' under Leth has taken on a mysterious and comedic turn with its horror legacy still in intact. Casallos and Pinta help bring it all to life with dynamic art and layouts. If you like your horror-comedy that's fun, well-written, and illustrated with bravado then this is the comic for you. Read Full Review
While Vampirella doesn't hit any truly big moments here it does some solid character work. I'm still getting a handle on Leth's interpretation of Vampirella and I'm definitely enjoying it. I like the supporting cast that's being added into it and the continuation of what we had before as it all has a lot of potential. Bringing Vampirella out into the light a bit more isn't a surprise (and I'm sure it's been done before to varying degrees) so I'm curious to see how this goes in the modern day with all that it entails. Leth has a good handle on things and I'm curious to see what the bigger story will be that will define this opening arc. Her pairing with Casallos and Pinto is definitely a great match as they all bring the book to life well and it leaves me wanting to see more, which is how I want to feel at the end of an issue. Read Full Review
I was a little bored reading this book at first, but now I'm a bit more interested. Read Full Review