The unthinkable has happened. Richard Wentworth has been arrested for the crimes of the Spider, while the unholy alliance between the Fly and the Lawgiver threatens to destroy New York's Police force. With the Spider on the run, and Commissioner Kirkpatrick abducted, the deadly endgame begins and there is no one to stop a deadly attack that will leave the city without government or law enforcement. Be prepared for a shocking conclusion!
The Spider #12 is another excellent entry into what has become one of my must own titles, if you haven't purchased it before here's your chance go out and enjoy this modern pulp icon. Highly recommended. Read Full Review
The artwork by Roriguez is both solid and smooth. A combination between the smooth outlines and the very solid use of colors which even though took away the feeling of the tone portrayed, made every scene appealing. Read Full Review
Loved everything but the visuals on the Spider. Ouch. Read Full Review