SOLAR VS. OUTER SPACE. Erica is trapped far from Earth, and every alien wants to kill her. So Erica's really only got one option: Fight outer space. It's one weird girl and her energy ghost dad vs. EVERYTHING in the universe, brought to you by FRANK J. BARBIERE (Five Ghosts, New Avengers) and JONATHAN LAU (Codename: Action)!
Solar: Man of the Atom continues to be a real treat every month due its spontaneity and the strong relationship building between father and daughter. It's a comic that's simply solid every single month. Read Full Review
There's no other way to say that Solar: Man of the Atom is a series that fans of superheroes should be reading. There is much wonder to what someone can do when they put their mind to. When given the power to change things and go that extra mile to make miracles happen with them. That is Solar: Man of the Atom, and that is Erica in a nutshell. We get to see her grow as a superhero. A journey you surely don't want to miss. Read Full Review
While this issue opens the door to bigger problems in the last panel, a lot of what we get is pretty decent character material. Erica is holding up well considering what's been thrown at her in a relatively short space of time and having to deal with a father like Phil hasn't made it easier. This time around she goes to assert and establish herself more, since she is the one in control at the moment, and even finds that she can forcibly send Phil away for a bit. For the most part, the main present day thrust is to show her heroic side and what she's trying to do to help those that helped her. Mixed into it are the flashback pieces to the past that makes it clear just how complicated and difficult her relationship with her father is. It's good stuff all around and has me hopeful for where the book can go, even though I want a little more touching upon some of what's going on back on Earth. Read Full Review
Solar: Man of the Atom #6 may not be the most exciting entry in the series, but the dialogue and character interaction remains as enthralling as ever. The use of flashbacks also allow for a more immersive read, making up for the overall lack of events. Recommended. Read Full Review