Once possessed by Xamul, the spirit of the flame that possessed her, Sitha The Red has chosen to follow the path of the sword, inspired by the courage of her adopted mother, RED SONJA. Ten years have gone by, and Sitha is a young bounty hunter, always on the trail of the most dangerous criminals in the kingdom of Aquilonia! Until one day, someone returns from her past to involve her in a mission bordering on suicide...
This is the rare comic spinoff that is not only genuinely enjoyable in its own right, but makes me look back at the flagship series in a whole new way. Read Full Review
RED SONJA: RED SITHA #1 is a serviceable first issue following the (mis)adventures of Little Sitha all grown up. The writing is well-paced and the dialog is generally good, but the main character is nothing like the character on which shes based. As far as spinoff stores go, this is fine but its going to be an uphill climb to keep readers interested. Read Full Review
The first issue is mainly set-up, offering a look at who Sitha has become. Read Full Review