As her people turn warlike and become more vicious than even their enemies, Red Sonja battles to save Hyrkania from its own army. Racing to the throne, with a price on her head, Sonja finds herself entangled in the charms and wiles of a mysterious and beautiful performer... and when the face of the King is revealed at last, Sonja is captured in intrigues more deadly than any she has known!
Red Sonja, Vol. 3 #2 (that's a mouthful) is another solid issue under this new creative team. Everything you love about the Devil with a Sword remains, but new and unexpected corners of her world are plumbed, adding to the already rich story and setting. If you're a Sword & Sorcery fan, you should be reading this. Dr. Josh gives this an" Read Full Review
Marguerite Bennett is great at building up a story. There is also a pattern to her work. This issue portrayed Sonja better than the last one. Not because of Sonja's identity crisis, but because of the way she leaps into action. Aneke's art is always good to see. That Cheshire cat grin comes up again on another character, and its pretty funny and creepy. I am glad that Aneke can portray such emotion on the faces of these characters. The page during the theater brawl was jumbled, but it had a lot of dynamic panels. I have to applaud Marguerite Sauvage on her beautiful covers. Read Full Review
Red Sonja continues to be a book full of engaging narritive and visceral action with gorgeous art and a wicked sense of humour! Read Full Review
I had doubts about this book, when Gail Simone left. I am happy to see both Bennett and Aneke have allayed my doubts. Read Full Review
InRed Sonja#2, Marguerite Bennett continues to explore various political themes that she layers intothe story of Red Sonja trying to adapt to a more complicated Hyrkania after a long absence. However, she, Aneke, and colorist Jorge Sutil, who heavily emphasizes red in his palette from the blood spurting from the Black Talons to the tomatoes thrown at Sonja and Midyan on stage, don't skimp on action capturing the She Devil with a Sword at her fiercest in the early parts of the issue. And the twist at the end creates more obstacles for Red Sonja's difficult task of freeing Hyrkania, who doesn't really want to be freed, but laugh at crude racial caricatures and then kill the people the comedies were mocking. Shades of empires from the Athenian to American can be seen in the pages where the content of the plays are described and put on. Read Full Review
While artist Aneke's work is undoubtedly beautiful, with expressive characters and impressive panel layouts aplenty, her style doesn't necessarily transfer all that well to the action sequences, with a slight awkwardness to the posing and a sanitised, oddly disconnected feel to the combat. There also seems to be a worrying uniformity to her character's faces, with almost every female character we encounter here looking like the same woman in a different wig. That said, there are some truly stunning pages to be found here, and her un-objectified and utterly ass-kicking depiction of Sonja herself is definitely a thing of beauty. Read Full Review
This relaunch is not going smoothly. The story lacks tension and the visuals are not strong. I love Red Sonja, but, so far, not this Red Sonja. This is quite a shocking issue, given Dynamite's previous Sonja titles. Read Full Review
Red Sonja #2 struggles out of the gate, finds its legs a little bit in the second sequence, and opens up a number of different story paths in the third sequence. The opening action sequence was confusing and it was hard to follow exactly was happening. Luckily, Aneke corrects this problem in the next action sequence and makes it easy to follow. The dialogue can still be a little choppy and overdramatic, but it gets the job done. The book had a number of mistakes, but the story did have some promising moments. Read Full Review