Nyx #10
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Nyx #10

Writer: Christos Gage Artist: Marc Borstel Publisher: Dynamite Entertainment Release Date: October 5, 2022 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 2
8.9Critic Rating
N/AUser Rating

The dramatic conclusion...the final battle! It's Nyx against her father, the Mad God Chaos - and all her surviving siblings! But who stands on which side? Can this inter-family war end in anything but tragedy? And since whoever kills the Mad God Chaos becomes the new Mad God Chaos, will all this carnage solve anything? Or is our story, like life, just one agonizing effort after another, ending only in death, failure, and the horrible realization that none of it means anything (except our version has cheesecake shots)? Hey, there's only one way to find out: buy the book!

  • 9.5
    Comical Opinions - Gabriel Hernandez Oct 5, 2022

    NYX #10 is a visually imaginative, surprisingly soulful look at a family that puts an end to a generational cycle of toxicity and abuse in the weirdest way possible. Gage crafts a story filled with all the Dynamite mainstays you would expect but puts the toys back in a different toy chest with an uncertain future. You cant beat a comic that gives you something to think about. Read Full Review

  • 8.4
    The Fandom Post - Chris Beveridge Oct 12, 2022

    Nyx really grew on me after being wary of it at the start and it won me over well by the third issue with what it's doing. There's a lot to like about the series as a whole while this final issue wraps up things in a clean way. This provides for a solid ten-issue story that tells its tale with a beginning, middle, and end while leaving it open to what the character can do next. If Nyx falls back into old habits, we understand why because of here. If she moves in new directions, the same. It's definitely something that fits into the larger narrative of the character over the decades and is a project that I hope Gage and Borstel really take some pride in. It was blessed with great covers and a lot of talent working on it all-around. It'll certainly stick with me for years to come. Read Full Review

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