Lady Demon #1
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Lady Demon #1

Writer: Aaron Gillespie Artist: Mirka Andolfo Publisher: Dynamite Entertainment Release Date: December 10, 2014 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 5
7.7Critic Rating
N/AUser Rating

On the run from Lucifer's hit squad, Lady Demon rides a newly arrived soul back to earth. Little does she know, the soul is attached to a woman in the middle of a dark conspiracy. That suits Lady Demon just fine because it means she gets to kill a whole lot of people.

  • 9.3
    BGCP - Daniel Pearson Dec 10, 2014

    This new Lady Demon story is already shaping up to be an entertaining read and if the team are able to keep the quality at this level Dynamite Entertainment will have another sure fire hit on their hands. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    ComicWow!TV - AD Boorman Dec 11, 2014

    Chaos Dyanmite! Has revived many great Brian Pulido characters from the 90s. They have brought back EVIL ERNIE, CHASTITY, and PURGATORI.  All of these characters are primarily re-– visionings of Pulido's original characters.  LADY DEMON is another such creation. Chaos Dynamite has found a solid formula for reviving a group of fan favorite characters and bring them to a new generation. Read Full Review

  • 8.3
    Graphic Policy - Edward Wendt Dec 8, 2014

    The composite of the two characters together makes for a compelling story and concept. While its not immediately evident where Violet with Lady Demon in tow is headed, it is also not entirely clear if Violet will end up on the side of the angels after all. Although there is the habitual amount of gore in this series, it also is not overdone, and while there is also a heaping amount of violence, it too feels at place within this genre. The issue leaves off with a good deal of momentum for the following issue. This is not a great comic and probably never will be, but to whatever end it gets to, it looks like there is to be a fun reading experience along the way. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comics Bulletin - Lance Paul Dec 15, 2014

    Written by Aaron Gillespie, Lady Demon #1 hits the ground running. Aaron is creatively talented when showcasing these two entertaining aspects of Demons's character. Similar to DC's Firestorm mixed with tad of Marvel's Ghost Rider, when innocent Violet and her boyfriend are slaughtered Lady Demon makes a deal to co-habitat her vessel and give Violet the retribution her soul needs. With art by the talented Mirka Andolfo (Damsels In Excess, Chaos),Lady Demon peaks your interest and keeps you flipping pages for just that right amount of violence, gore and PG-13 nudity. The Traveling nerd says read it and enjoy it, but don't come in seeking high cerebral mental intriguing literature. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comic Bastards - Dustin Cabeal Dec 10, 2014

    Overall I don't know if this issue is going to win you over on the Chaos! line, but it's a decent read with just enough cheesecake and just enough over the top violence to entertain. If you can dig that then you should check the issue out. Read Full Review

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