An airliner vanishes en route without a trace! It's the crisis that brings together, in a historic team-up for the first time ever, Street & Smith's super-star trinity: The Shadow! Doc Savage! The Avenger! This historic cross-over is 75 years in the making, JUSTICE, INC. begins here, spawned by a horrific tragedy of death and destruction secretly orchestrated by some of the most powerful and unexpected villains in the history of the pulps! Chapter 1 (of 6): "The Time Machine!"
In this story, we are given some exposition, but clearly, Uslan is playing many cards close to the vest. He is not telling us how much of the Avenger story will be ret-conned (if any). He is working to maintain the 'mythology' of these classic characters, and he is clearly working with Timpano to maintain the feel of the character while creating stories with substance and depth of character. Read Full Review
Quibbles aside, it's great to see these characters gathered together and given a worthy opponent. I'm in for the run! Read Full Review
With no shortage of fun retcon-history riffs on the market (Five Fists of Science, etc.), Uslan's romp boasts distinctive cameos from Einstein, Enrico Fermi, H.G. Wells, and Howard Hughes, while the art by Giovanni Timpano (a veteran on Dynamite's The Shadow) deftly pivots from close-up tension to grand-scale super-science, all with vintage verve. With this much pop history being mashed up, I'm sure there are loads of mythology-nods I'm missing (though Uslan helpfully annotates some of his more obscure references), but a story of this density that's still light on its feet makes me want to study up in time for issue #2. Read Full Review
Justice Inc. utilizes time travel, particle acceleration and more. Though not an action-filled adventure as the title may imply, this series is a great read and the seed to what looks togrow into a smart, intellectually detailed story. Read Full Review
Seeing Doc Savage from 1939 and 2014, face to face, should make for some interesting reading in the months ahead. I so want to speculate on how such an epic meeting of the minds would go, but I'm going to wait until the second issue to see if my hypothesis is correct. Read Full Review
Justice Inc. #1 does take a bit of time to pick up the pace, though in the end you are still left with that anticipation for what happens when the intensity picks up. Despite everything in-between, the main attraction to Justice Inc. is that this is a crossover between The Shadow, Doc Savage and The Avenger. Hopefully that does not disappoint, though for now we can say that this story has laid the necessary foundation for what's to come in the next five issues. Read Full Review
Justice, Inc. is off to a great start. Uslan excels at making big, explosive, and fun pulp stories dripping with nostalgia and pop culture, and it looks to be paying off so far. This is one fans will definitely want to jump aboard. Read Full Review
Justice, Inc. #1 is the type of comic that's well suited for a select audience. It may not pull in new members but it offers enough to please the seasoned ones. Recommended. Read Full Review
A solid first issue that sets up the rest of the series well for fans and new readers. Read Full Review
"Justice, Inc." #1 is an ambitious and fun read, much like Dynamite's Gold Key line. No allegiances are proclaimed during the issue, but connections are set in motion and the crossroads is in view. Uslan, Timpano, Lesko and Bowland do a nice job pumping some new life into the pulp wonders of yesteryear, giving readers a nice throwback read that brings the energy of a crossover without the burdensome crossover spillage into a dozen or more titles. "Justice, Inc." #1 is a nice, solid read for fans of these characters or comic book fans looking for a fresh variation on an older concept. Read Full Review
There are a LOT of elements in play here, creating a story with lots of moving parts, and knowing the ephemera of The Avenger, Doc Savage, some real-world history and The Twilight Zone really helped me connect with the story, even as Uslan seems to have a bit more enthusiasm than experience. Artistically, it's a solid tale, with nothing that stood out as bad, and a couple of wonderful moments (The Shadow intimidating Lamont Cranston, as well as older Doc Savage face-to-face with Howard Hughes, who seems shocked at what the Doc has done to his hair.) I don't know whether this story will work as well for a new reader, but I found it to be a pretty enjoyable first outing for a historic team-up. Justice Inc. #1 is taking a lot of influences and sticking them all together, but the synthesis works pretty well. Read Full Review
Doc Savage might have to team up with... Doc Savage in order to fix a broken timestream, as he goes back in time to the world of the Shadow and others in the start of a pulp hero crossover that gets caught up in its own references. Read Full Review
I'm unsure how much interest there will be in this title aside from those who are already aware of the characters, but for new readers it's an accessible introduction to some of comic book history's most significant forerunners. Read Full Review
The concept here is solid its a throwback while still being original. Unfortunately, everything is lost in the execution. Fans of the old pulp magazines might be able to jump in and appreciate the cross-over aspect of these characters coming together; but I dont think theres much for new readers to latch onto. 5.5 out of 10 Read Full Review
Justice Inc. #1 lays the groundwork for a potentially intriguing story, but doesn't delve any deeper than the surface. This is an introductory issue and therefore is bound to have the usual explanatory stuff, something that goes with the territory for a #1 issue. The story never strays outside of a basic constricting narrative box that defines it as "let's lay the groundwork". It didn't show me anything I haven't seen before. Perhaps the story will get better and bolder as the series goes on, but it is not looking good so far. Read Full Review
I was pretty excited for Justice, Inc. #1. Dynamite Entertainment has been consistently knocking it out of the park with their vast line of pulp titles and I just assumed that this would be yet another check mark in their win column. But, as they say, you can't win them all, and there isn't much about Justice, Inc. #1 that could be considered a win. Michael Uslan certainly has a great pulp book in him. Hell, he has written several great ones already, but this first issue isn't one of them. My fingers are crossed that Uslan and Timpano have some truly great issues in store for us that will send this dream team up into the world with the kind of storytelling that we expect from them if only to make me forget how overstuffed and clunky this first issue was, but, until then, only the Shadow knows what narratives lurk in the heart of their writer. Read Full Review
I can't recommend this book to anyone unless you're huge fans of Doc Savage, The Avenger, or The Shadow. Even the extra footnotes at the end feel like something your grandpa is trying to tell you about the "good old days" at Thanksgiving dinner. It's all just very boring to me. The art didn't save this one for me either, it's good but not good enough to hide the other negative aspects of the book. Read Full Review