Devolution #5

Writer: Rick Remender Artist: Jonathan Wayshak Publisher: Dynamite Entertainment Release Date: June 15, 2016 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 4 User Reviews: 3
7.5Critic Rating
6.5User Rating

The last humans on Earth face Neanderthal hordes and the bastards who started this whole mess. Can there be a solution? A death. A compromise. A lie. The big twist comes. Check out the thrilling series finale from Rick Remender (Black Science, Deadly Class), self-described as "a heavy dose of high-octane action, character drama, a world of strange reverse mutations, and social commentary - as we follow the last tribe of humans inoculated from the devolution agent as they set out on a desperate journey to try to find a way to re-evolve life on Earth."

  • 9.0
    Graphic Policy - christopher scott author Jun 20, 2016

    Artist Jonathan Wayshak manages to capture some of the stranger, more surprising moments in this final issue well. That big surprise has a simple appearance, but seems to have a strong grounding in reality. The strange figure in the ending is creepy and wonderful. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Outright Geekery - Eli Funaro Jun 13, 2016

    This brings us back to A Clockwork Orange. When an old homeless man lectures Alex and his droogs about law and order, and how mankind is too busy trying to evolve with science and technology yet their basic primal human instincts remain violent. Alex responds by telling the vagrant that he likes the world just the way it is, then proceeds to beat him and leave him for dead. This idea reflects Raja's choice and whether or not to "revolve" a human race that did nothing but ruin the world in which they live. Can humanity evolve past it's violent nature, or are we doomed to destroy ourselves? We may never know the answer to these deep meaningful questions, but one thing is for certain. Devolution is crazy ass comic book and makes for a great read. With an original take on the apocalypse and exaggerated art style that reflects the brutal nature of the plot, Devolution really makes one question mankind's progress. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    The Fandom Post - Chris Beveridge Jun 15, 2016

    At this point in the game, I'll admit that end run of the series I found myself reading more to see how Wayshak was going to have fun with the devolved types, the crazy action sequences, and just the rawness of the artwork that brought this world to life in its own way, especially with Boyd's solid coloring of his work. Remender's story is solid enough but the structure and pacing of it kept it from being as tight as it needed to be and coming across as both rushed at the end and without enough of a sense of closure to it to make it feel like the destination was worth the journey. The journey is worthwhile because it's a fun ride overall, but it feels like it was just shy of being a lot better if it was tighter. Read Full Review

  • 5.0
    AIPT - Russ Dobler Jun 14, 2016

    Rick Remender is a great writer. Usually. An identity crisis prevented Devolution from coming together and clicking though, as philosophic questions flitted between grindhouse action and character focus shifted so quickly that the narrative suffered. The art of Jonathan Wayshak and Jordan Boyd was a draw for the overall mini-series, but even that succumbs to aimlessness in this final issue. Devolution #5 is a rushed conclusion to a disjointed series, one that could have been more focused with some editorial tidying. Read Full Review

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