Dejah Thoris vs. John Carter of Mars #3

Writer: Dan Abnett Artist: Alessandro Miracolo Publisher: Dynamite Entertainment Release Date: September 29, 2021 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 3
8.3Critic Rating
N/AUser Rating

John and Dejah are captured! Despite this, Dejah is delighted that John cared enough for her to attempt a rescue...perhaps their love is not lost! But John, headstrong as ever, has handed their enemies exactly what they want...
The epic continues, from DAN ABNETT (Justice League Odyssey) and ALESSANDRO MIRACOLO (Red Sonja)!

  • 9.5
    Comical Opinions - Gabriel Hernandez Sep 29, 2021

    DEJAH THORIS VS. JOHN CARTER OF MARS #3 is the best-case scenario for an evil mastermind monologue in comic form. Abnett cleverly interlaces the information dump with taut fight scenes and awe-inspiring reveals, elevated by Miracolos fantastic art. This is the moment when the series steps up several notches, and its a great example of building anticipation for what comes next. Read Full Review

  • 8.4
    The Fandom Post - Chris Beveridge Sep 29, 2021

    Dan Abnett has been building toward some of these moments for a while and each new piece we're introduced to definitely helps to expand on events and the larger intent. I really like what we get from Gall and Dejah this time around as it fills in a few more blanks toward the big picture and I really enjoyed just soaking up the details of the fight scenes for Carter himself, which let Miracolo really shine with his artwork. It's a strong and powerful installment that puts us on such a large stage with characters that are being humbled by their opponents " but not backing down. It's a solidly put together work and a hidden gem that far too many are missing out on. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Comic Crusaders - Johnny "The Machine" Hughes Sep 29, 2021

    A chewy issue at times, this book is an important piece of the puzzle for readers of this series. Patience is requires, maybe more than John Carter himself displays, but patience nonetheless. the next few issues may be make or break for this run in order to make the time spent here worthwhile. Read Full Review

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