Willing to sacrifice his life, Prince John has unleashed the destructive axis mundi in the heart of Atlantis! With time running out, the Little Mermaid must decide if love is worth living for - or worth dying for! And if that wasn't bad enough, Vodyanoy is still alive, and he has a bone to pick with the Little Mermaid... literally. Who will survive the fall of Atlantis. ; ; google_ad_client = "pub-5436182986292152"; googmore
The art by Jean-Paul Deshong is serviceable to good throughout. There are a few expressions that completely threw me for a loop, but generally things were fluid, which makes sense for a story connected with water. There are some panels where the characters look oddly stretched out though, which again, pulled me out of the story and made me wonder what was going on. The monster at the end completely blew me away however, which makes me want to go back and read the previous issues just to see the designs Deshong has come up with. Read Full Review
Not bad, but not great. Entertaining as you're reading, but unmemorable. Read Full Review
Prince John is a self-centered jerk and despite all he has done, the Mermaid still loves him. It's so frustrating to watch, but it's so well done that you can't put the book down. Read Full Review
Damsels: Mermaids #5 is a conclusion with elements to its narrative that I simply don't agree with. With that said however I can't deny that the whole of package was put together well enough to earn a light recommendation from me. Read Full Review