Boo: The World's Cutest Dog #2

Writer: Ricardo Sanchez, Adara Sanchez, Sholly Fisch, Jeff Dyer Artist: Agnes Garbowska, Steve Uy, M. Victoria Robado Publisher: Dynamite Entertainment Release Date: October 5, 2016 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 1
10Critic Rating
N/AUser Rating

When the world's most adorable Pomeranian pup comes to comics, the fur flies... sometimes literally! Join internet sensation Boo and his best friends, Buddy and Bluebeary Pie, on whimsical flights of fancy with this sensational second issue! What adventures of doggy discovery will Boo take readers on today? The world's full of delicious scents to pursue, strange objects to explore, and new people (and animals) to befriend. Readers of all ages will be charmed by Boo's delightful demeanor and fun-filled stories!

  • 10
    BGCP - Morag Lee Oct 4, 2016

    While other comic reviewers have raised criticism of Boo, these comic reviewers are by and large not the intended target audience (and forget who is). Boo is not going to make its way into the comic hall of fame (though Boo has made his way into the internet hall of fame, so you never know). You don't need a Masters Degree to understand it, and there's no exciting metaphors to debate between friends. But it is fun and cute. And that's exactly the kind of comic Boo is aiming for. Read Full Review

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