Barbarella: The Center Cannot Hold #5
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Barbarella: The Center Cannot Hold #5

Writer: Sarah Hoyt Artist: Riccardo Bogani Publisher: Dynamite Entertainment Release Date: August 9, 2023 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 4
8.4Critic Rating
N/AUser Rating

At last, the secrets of the Unnamable are revealed! Having travelled beyond our universe to reach the home of the Unnamable, Barbarella and her stalwart companions may have the answers they've been seeking, but they're very, very far from home, and very, very vulnerable. Can a war between universes be averted? Will the Architects sacrifice our universe in the name of victory? Can we possibly fit in all the answers we're promising here? One thing's for sure, our universe will never be the same again. Learn more in this final chapter!

  • 9.6
    You Don't Read Comics - Russ Bickerstaff Aug 10, 2023

    Hoyt, Bogani, and Sanchez call the fantastic grandma to a close with a great deal of style and flair. It's all drama, and there could be a better deal of action. However, that doesn't matter. Because it all looks so good while everyone is discussing dramatic matters pertaining to a distinctly non-human culture. Once again, the title character manages to keep herself totally on track the entire issue, and everything feels more emotionally engaging than one might typically expect from a light space opera. It's precisely the type of thing that makes for an outstanding Barbarella story. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    The Fandom Post - Chris Beveridge Aug 23, 2023

    I enjoyed this series well enough as it had some good fun to it, some really weird moments, and more time with Vix and their people, which was a treat. But it also felt like a story that needed one more issue for better pacing to tell the finale and to give it the emotional resonance it needed with the characters. What we get just feels a bit rushed and without the kind of material and time it needs to allow us to feel like it's earned material. It's not bad per se but it could have been better in that regard. It does look good and has a solid sense of fun as needed, such as the horrified looks on the faces of the Architects, but other areas – notably with Jack – just didn't click. All in all, a decent bit of fun that has me looking forward to what's next. And hopefully something a little less huge in scale. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comical Opinions - Gabriel Hernandez Aug 11, 2023

    BARBARELLA: THE CENTER CANNOT HOLD #5 brings the latest series to a close with a desperate plan to stop the Architects. The ending is a bit anticlimactic but consistent with Barberallas way of doing things, and the art is outstanding. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comic Crusaders - Antonio Rodriguez Aug 9, 2023

    In conclusion, it's still a fun read despite its flaws in character design and lettering. The coloring itself is enough to make this a wonderful experience to read through, and just to look at. I think there is a lot of potential in this story and I am excited to see what the next issue will bring. Also, it is common that as the series progresses and the artists get more practice at drawing the same character over and over they will get better in each issue so I'm looking forward to seeing that growth happen. Read Full Review

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