Alice Cooper discovers just how chaotic the Chaos! Universe can truly be, as he faces off against the horrific monsters of his own mind. Meanwhile, the Chosen tangle with a monstrous tree, while Evil Ernie is the prisoner of an even more evil pharmaceutical company! Can the unlikely alliances of Alice Cooper, the dream witch Vex, and the vampire assassin Chastity escape from a twisted nightmare realm and stop the badder guys from beating the bad guys?
The art work byJim Terry continues to impress, blending in the supernatural aspects, as well as the aspects of the real world. Of course the panels about midway through or so, where Smiley explores Ceutotech Pharmaceuticals. Even the large “body farm,” where a sinister orange rooted tree is plunged into the minds of those at the body farm is extremely well done. The origin of the tree is unknown, but I doubt it can be good given the color scheme of the tree and its location. Read Full Review
A story with a lot going on, for better and for worse. Read Full Review