I love the comics premise, but better execution in terms of dialogue and characterization as well as a clearer choice of fonts for the captions will be needed in future installments. Read Full Review
Overall Critique: The pencils are reminiscent of Tim Burtons work on The Nightmare Before Christmas and Corpse Bride which is polarizing, to say the least. You either love it or hate it. I happen to be more on the later camp, although not quite at the hate extreme. I do like the basic premise of the storyline, but its not going to be something that Ill continue to pick up. Read Full Review
Overall, I was disappointed with the story. I was really looking for a more serious, realistic take on what Harry Houdini might be up to in the afterlife, not some story about him being drawn into hell before hes even dead, just to end up back on Earth in Germany. I dont recall Germany being part of the afterlife. I dont think Ill be reading any more of this series. Read Full Review
enough or interestingly enough to do so. Read Full Review