Wonder Woman #184

Writer: Phil Jimenez Artist: Phil Jimenez Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: August 1, 2002 Critic Reviews: 1
4.0Critic Rating
N/AUser Rating

Diana comes face-to-face with...Wonder Woman?!? The two heroes must stop a nefarious Nazi plot! And how do Miss America and a herd of dinosaurs figure into this whole thing?

  • 4.0
    Comics Bulletin - Jason Cornwell Sep 10, 2002

    An issue that sounded promising going in, and still has the potential of becoming an enjoyable story, but this first issue has itself some outright silly moments that kept me from embracing the material. I mean I love the idea of Wonder Woman running around during World War II, when the Justice Society of America were in the prime. I also like the idea of her disguising herself as another heroine from this era so she can fight alongside her mother. However, it's the elements that were brought into this book from the previous arc that hurt this issue. I mean why did they decide to bring a herd of dinosaurs back with them, and why is Hippolyta unable to see these difficult to hide creatures? There's also the elements in this story that look to occur simply because Phil Jimenez needs them to happen, like the Nazi agent making off with the Trident of Poseidon, or the dinosaurs being able to understand & obey Diana. Read Full Review

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