The dealers of Central City's most dangerous new high, Frost, don't follow the rules of the game and when innocent children are taken hostage, it's The Spirit who has to jump into hot water to save them. Did we say hot water? We meant burning, molten steel!And in the SPIRIT: BLACK & WHITE co-feature, FIRST WAVE mastermind Brian Azzarello rejoins his 100 BULLETS collaborator Eduardo Risso to bring you "The Man I Love," a knockout story starring Ebony as you've never seen her... heartbroken and vulnerable!
Another month and another fine issue of The Spirit. This issue has really caught fire under writer David Hine and this issue does not disappoint. The darker tone and serious edge make for some incredibly tense storytelling that works very well. As a huge fan of Azarello's writing, I was a bit disappointed in the back up, which does pull the issue down a tad. Still, allinall, it's a solid read. Read Full Review