Discover the final fates of a slew of characters the doomsayers, the warriors, the dysfunctional family from hell as the status quo shifts and Mr. Terrific, Batman and The Atom realize they may have traded one tech-god-monster for another.
We've got the aftermath of Brainiac's attempted kidnapping of New York City and the beginning of that awful future we all saw in issue #0 and throughout this title and man does it make an awesome issue. Only problem is we have a lot of side stories to tie up that really take the attention away from what I feel is what we all really want to see........ Even with that though, this was a really good issue that sets up the end to our series. Go check it out Read Full Review
Despite evoking a good amount of feeling, Futures End doesn't have much else going for it. It's not that the issue was bad by any means, there just wasn't enough to make it distinct from the last few issues. Read Full Review
For quite some time now, I have suspected that parts of The New 52: Futures End are nothing but a game of bait-and-switch. We are now at issue forty-five of a forty-eight issue series, and several of the disparate storylines show little signs of cohering. In fact, many of the plotlines are obviously less about the outcome of this series than laying foundations for further stories. In and of itself, that is not illegitimate. However, it is frustrating that so much time has been spent on plots that do not contribute to the final conclusion of a nearly year-long mystery. Read Full Review
This issue hits a high note right from the get go with the final look into the relationship of Amethyst and Frankenstein. Back in New York, Brainiac's presence is being cleaned upbut did getting rid of one enemy just make room for another? Read Full Review
Its form is back to the standard Futures End issue. Some sections are excellent, whereas others are forgettable. The book is still trying to be mysterious to set up for future issues, which sucks because I feel like at this point it should be throwing down with no holds barred. Let's bump the boredom and stick to the heart of the Frankenstein section or the progression of a main story line with Brother Eye. Read Full Review