Mr. Terrifics been promising for months that the uSphere will change the world but what happens when his promises push Manhattan to max capacity on release day? And Stormwatch finds their way back from a trip through the Multiverse but they may not be as welcome as they thought.
Now this issue was a mix of setup and story progression. Some storylines are getting setup for the next stage of their tale (like with Fifty Sue), while the rest are progressing forward with new surprises and twists to them. As such, the issue felt very eventful and made for a very enjoyable read. I found every bit of storyline and subplot shown here to be interesting " which makes me hope that the rest of the run keeps up the momentum seen here. Otherwise, I found the writing and characterization to be very good like usual and I even liked the artwork by Scot Eaton this time around. All it took was a new inker for him, Scott Hanna, and it looked rather good. Read Full Review
This issue gives us a lot more to think about as it introduces bigger villains and the closing-in on the release of the Usphere (Im in line too!). Read Full Review
There wasn't really much going on in this week's issue and while everything looked great as always, the story just lacked anything to really grab your attention. I mean we get an introduction to a new villain in the New 52 and what happened to a team we haven't seen in awhile, but besides for that nothing really new here at all. Hopefully next week there will be something to grab my attention and it will be able to entertain the hell out of me. Here's hoping. Read Full Review
While it doesn't move mountains, well, it doesn't move sand castles either. If you're curious about what's gonna happen in Futures End, by all means pick this up. You won'twant to miss it. But also, if you don't really care about it, maybe don't waste your money. Read Full Review
The word that comes to mind is average. The story is average. The art is average. The movement of the plot is somewhat less than average. This issue winds up some loose ends effectively and teases the main plot, but really in the end accomplishes only a small amount. For this late in the series, that is simply not good enough. Read Full Review
This issue is just Future's End's return to its crappy norm. Read Full Review