Wonder Woman has been making a big splash in the European Theater of Operations, and it’s drawn the notice of Nazi high command-and something even scarier!
De Liz and Dillon have done it again. They shift into the next part of Diana's life and we get the best of the past (Etta, the Duke of Deception...) and the hint at some new stuff that will blow your mind. Yes, this issue is setup, but as usual, I love everything it sets up and continue to recommend this book to every single person out there. Read Full Review
The pacing of this series is something that's just been near perfect for me because it's not a constant barrage of action with exposition and banter tossed in to fill in the story concepts. What we get are some great action pieces but also some very well done dialogue and interaction material – the stuff that drew me to comics as a kid to begin with. I like both but one without the other is pretty uninteresting overall. Renae De Liz continues to deliver a strong series with her storytelling and her work with Ray Dillon just floors me week after week. I'm hopeful that DC Comics gives this a fantastic hardcover omnibus at the end because it's more than worthy of it already at the halfway mark. This continues to be a must-read series. Read Full Review