Teen Titans #23.2

Event\Storyline: Villains Month Writer: Corey Mays, Dooma Wendschuh Artist: Moritat, Angel Unzueta Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: September 18, 2013 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 6 User Reviews: 3
3.8Critic Rating
5.7User Rating

One of the deadliest men in the world has a secret: his family. Slade Wilson lives to kill, but can even Deathstroke the Terminator balance his home life with a complicated hit?
Don't miss this amazing issue written by Corey Mays and Dooma Wendschuh, writers of the video games Assassin's Creed and Batman: Arkham Origins.

  • 6.0
    Comic Booked - Jeff Hill Sep 20, 2013

    I remain hopeful, if not a little bit skeptical. So save the buck and buy the regular cover. But even though its aggravating at times, Im not going to place the blame on the creators. Im going to say its all on the editors. They may have botched it pretty badly, but my guess is the type of people picking this book up are those who arent too worried about such things as continuity. Theyre getting it for the action. And on that measure, no one could ever say that this book didnt deliver. That alone makes it worth the read. Read Full Review

  • 4.6
    IGN - Jesse Schedeen Sep 18, 2013

    Nor does the artwork do much to help this attempted revitalization of Deathsrtoke. This issue is handled by three different pencillers. And even with that many creators on board, the book has a distinctly rushed feel to it. Particularly when it comes to Moritat's pages, the backgrounds are lacking, the characters are stiff, and the panels are too zoomed in on the figures to properly convey the action. Hopefully this issue isn't a sign of what to expect in Deathstroke's next big appearance. Read Full Review

  • 4.0
    Comic Spectrum - Shawn Hoklas Sep 25, 2013

    Although I really liked the Deathstroke series when it first launched, I will say that this is one character that has taken a step back with the New 52. I'm hoping a creative team can breathe life back into this character and bring him back to the great villain he once was. I strongly recommend staying away from this book"even IF you're a big Deathstroke fan, because that may make it worse. Read Full Review

  • 4.0
    Hero Nuggets - Hero Nuggets Sep 20, 2013

    Unless you really like Deathstroke, this no good. Brought nothing to the Forever Evil event or the character of Deathstroke. If they wanted to rip off Deadpool, they should have also used his origin story with a little alteration and went with that. They failed to embrace what Deathstroke is by trying to bring in emotional connections to his children, poor choice. Read Full Review

  • 2.5
    Weird Science - Eric Shea Sep 22, 2013

    Remember that old saying?  "Every issue is somebodies first issue."  Well hopefully with this issue that is never the case, because if it is the reader will get a cluttered story, that will make no sense.  I read this issue a few times, and still didn't get the whole story.  Now I'm not completely informed on the whole New 52 DeathStroke story, but I figured I could read this and walk away with something.  Nope.  Awful Teen Titans issue, and is the first Villain's Month issue I really see no use for. Read Full Review

  • 2.0
    Henchman-4-Hire - Sean Ian Mills Sep 19, 2013

    Don't waste your time or life on Deathstroke #1. Nothing new is introduced about the character. Nothing ties into Teen Titans or Villains Month. Nothing good occurs in this issue or could possibly come from it. I have no idea why DC even included Deathstroke in Villains Month. It doesn't make sense, nor does the story. Read Full Review

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