Superman #23.4

Event\Storyline: Villains Month Writer: Aaron Kuder Artist: Aaron Kuder Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: September 25, 2013 Cover Price: $2.99 Critic Reviews: 13 User Reviews: 6
8.0Critic Rating
8.2User Rating

Parasite: Noun.
An organism that lives in or on another organism.
Preferably Superman.

  • 9.5
    AIPT - David Brooke Sep 26, 2013

    The narration keeps things flowing nicely too. Basically the pace is perfect, cutting between events in Parasite's life, revealing interesting details of his creation, and touching on how he's basically an addict for energy. By story's end you'll wish the guy got help more than punishment. It's pretty clear Kudor went hog wild with the layouts too, as they're always progressing the story, looking interesting and are at times straight up compelling. There's one page in particular where as Parasite is falling to his death, he recounts snapshot, single-panel events that lead him from average monster to villainous creton. It's an exciting bit of comic book artistry, partly because it's reminiscent of a roll of film, but also because it's an efficient way to recount events. Read Full Review

  • 9.3
    IGN - Joshua Yehl Sep 25, 2013

    On the narrative side of things, Kuder does a great job developing the character of Parasite -- better than a lot of other Villains Month issues that have followed the same formula. We meet Parasite and are drawn in by his characterization as that friend who mooches off of everyone and is generally a jerk. He's not endearing or likable, but the way Kuder spins it, you can't help but want to know more about the guy. And while Parasite's craving for Superman is nothing new, it's presented here in a way that makes it seem like a revelation. So not only does Kuder draw the hell out of this issue, but he makes the old seem fresh again. Well done, sir. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Comics Crux - Cal Cleary Sep 27, 2013

    There's not that much to Kuder's script" and I'm actually okay with that. Unlike many of the Villain's Month issues, Kuder never wallows in despair or violence or horror " this is a straight-up character study. Who was the Parasite before he was the Parasite? I never particularly cared before, but Kuder digs deep to find a wretched knot beneath the character's prickly exterior. For that reason, and for many others, I have to give Kuder a hand. He didn't just make Parasite good; he made it one of THE essential Villain Month issues. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Comics Are Not Dead - Comics Are Not Dead Sep 29, 2013

    Though the character's origin itself is pretty formulaic, Kuder tries to spice things up with a surprisingly well written one-shot, and some of the best art around. This special will suck $3 out of your wallet (I get standard copies by the way), but you won't mind. Read Full Review

  • 8.9
    Multiversity Comics - Zach Wilkerson Sep 27, 2013

    In a month that sadly lacked in spunk and innovation, “Superman #23.4″ stands head and shoulders over most other Villains books. Kuder managed to tell an origin story that wasn't derivative or unnecessary. As with the other Villains books that worked, here's hoping he gets a chance to continue the story in the months to come. Read Full Review

  • 8.4
    Supergirl Comic Box Commentary - Anj Sep 27, 2013

    The end scene is chilling as the Parasite forces a mom to drive him into Metropolis or he will drain her child to death. Now I really don't like this guy. Still, his ending line about how Metropolis has the best places to eat (Superman) is a nice wry line to end on. So overall a very entertaining issue. I like the nonlinear story path. I like how Kuder manipulated my feelings of the main character from sympathy to hatred. And the art is fantastic, complementing the words perfectly. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    All-Comic - Jeremy Matcho Sep 25, 2013

    This was an unexpectedly funny read. Kuder has been labeled as an up and coming star for his artwork, but his writing talent seems to be just as special. If he can consistently write and draw at this level, his future in comics will be brighter than a yellow sun. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comic Booked - Jeff Hill Sep 28, 2013

    So save the buck and buy the regular cover, but dont be scared away by some of the other lackluster Superman books of the last few years. This ones well-done and even though not a whole lot happens, it shows that with people like Kuder working on these characters, they dont have to have the same repetitive boring battles. They can still be scary. They can still be original. And in the case of this one in particular, they can still be brand new. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    DC Comics News - Daren Taveras Sep 27, 2013

    Superman #23.4 is a successful entry into the Villains month catalogue. The story and artwork blend very well due to Aaron Kuders handling of both ends. Parasite will linger on the reader and leave him/her excited to see what happens next. This comic will leave you with either disgust, pity, hatred, or all of the above. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Newsarama - David Pepose Sep 26, 2013

    What I enjoy so much about this story is that it wouldn't have taken too much to have made Joshua Michael Allen a hero rather than a villain - indeed, this unlucky loser gets his powers in a semi-heroic fashion, as he leaps into the fray when an alien creature attacks Metropolis. Read Full Review

  • 6.5
    Weird Science - Eric Shea Sep 26, 2013

    I'm just very disappointed in this issue.  I don't know if I hyped myself up or what, but by the end of it, I just expected more.  We had a chance to reinvent the Parasite, and make him a interesting character, and what we get is a irredeemable low life dick hole.  This character before he became a monster was the worst kind of asshole, the kind that doesn't know their an asshole.  I might go on with this disappointment for awhile so I better get back to the book.  I hated the character, the story was decent enough, but the artwork really didn't hold my interest.  That's about all I got sorry.  But I'll try to rate it fair and put my own biased opinions aside.   Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comic Book Resources - Greg McElhatton Sep 25, 2013

    Still, overall, "Superman" #23.4 is good. The art is amazing, and there's enough that does work in the story that you finish with a nice feeling about the comic. I'm looking forward to lots more Kuder art down the line, and if he writes another comic for DC, I'll certainly check it out. Read Full Review

  • 5.0
    Hero Nuggets - Hero Nuggets Sep 28, 2013

    A quick read, that is fun, but leaves you really not caring about the Parasite in the long run. A great NON-kyptoian Villain for the big guy though! Read Full Review

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