Superman #699

Writer: James Robinson Artist: Bernard Chang Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: April 28, 2010 Cover Price: $2.99 Critic Reviews: 5 User Reviews: 1
6.9Critic Rating
8.0User Rating

Superman has defeated Brainiac before, but it cost him the life of his father. Now Brainiac has returned, more powerful than ever, and the entire planet of New Krypton is at stake! Things look bleak for the Man of Steel and his people, but for all Brainiac's knowledge, he still has one lesson to learn: Superman. Never. Gives. Up.

  • 8.4
    Supergirl Comic Box Commentary - Anj May 1, 2010

    That said, while I have enjoyed Last Stand, I still can't help but go back to the numerous subplots started here in Superman as well as in World of New Krypton over the last 14 months that I think might simply go unanswered. Once Superman returns, will we see The Guardian anywhere? What about his niece? His romance with Dr. Light? Prince Ra-Man? The power source of the multi-colored laser satellite? What about those silver pelts in WONK? And those are just the ones I can remember off the top of my head. But that is all background noise. This was another good issue. After seeing Bernard Chang's work on this title and Wonder Woman, I was glad to finally see his take on Supergirl. Unlike Ivan Rodriguez' recent take, Chang really seems to draw her as a teenage girl. His work on these battle-filled issues really shines. Read Full Review

  • 7.5
    X-Man's Comic Blog - x-man75 May 13, 2010

    This issue was a little better then SG #52, but considering it was the penultimate part of the Last Stand storyline, I was kind of hoping for more. I think the problem with this story, for me anyway, is the fact that there is just WAY too much going on at once to keep the story cohesive. Read Full Review

  • 7.4
    IGN - Tyler Parker Apr 28, 2010

    All minor complaints aside, this is really shaping up to be a formidable conclusion to The Last Stand of New Krypton. Robinson had a rough time setting the players in motion, but he's doing a hell of a job letting the momentum kick in towards the end of the story. Let's hope he rides this hot streak through the final chapter of Last Stand. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comics Bulletin - Danny Djeljosevic May 3, 2010

    It pleases me to say that Superman #699 contains neither clap nor trap. Reading a random comic in the middle of a big multipart crossover could have easily been confusing, but this ones an enjoyable installment even if I dont bother finishing the story, which I probably wont. I would still, however, like to know if Usagi Yojimbo is any good. Read Full Review

  • 5.0
    Comic Book Resources - Timothy Callahan May 4, 2010

    In the larger scheme of the Zod/Superman/Brainiac/Krypton/Earth story, this is a fine issue. It serves its purpose, mechanically so. The narrative equivalent of a dishwasher. Read Full Review

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