Its a girls night outsuper-style! Partying in an underground kingdom has never been so weird! And Starfire, Stella and Atlee have an adventure interrupted when an old enemy makes good on his promise to destroy Atlee.
This was a fun, action-packed issue that gave Starfire a lot of time to shine, while bolstering her BFFs. I wish we had more time with all of them, and I wish we knew more about this world and why it mattered, but the creative team does a good enough job in glossing over the details. We know enough to understand the battle taking place, and that's just going to have to do. I think the final few issues could be great. I'm far more interested in seeing Kori bond with her friends in a magical place like Strata than in seeing her in battle. I hope Conner and Palmiotti are building up to a solid, enjoyable farewell. Read Full Review
Starfire has another very busy issue here where there's a whole lot going on but it all still feels a little hollow. I continue to like the cast and the interactions but there's just not enough that really makes it feel cemented and real enough, more like a dream series than anything else. So, enjoying it in that regard, Starfire works very well because it's intent on having old school comic book fun. There's action, there's romance, there's awkward moments between characters, and there's an invasion. So a lot of boxes ticked resulting in a lot of fun. Conner and Palmiotti have their style down pat for this so it's a continuation of it with no real problems. Charretier continues to be a great addition to the book as I love her character designs and some of the layouts she uses with placement and angles. Her work is definitely bolstered well by what Hi-Fi does for those of us reading digitally, making it an even more charming experience. Read Full Review
Whoa! Starfire's sleeping, so Atlee's attackin'! Then Atlee's getting beaten up, so Starfire awakens! Then she's sleeping! I wish I were sleeping! This book was a reasonably fun ride that probably went on five pages too long. Artwork is impeccable, and worth the rather paltry admission price. Also there's a little Starfire cheesecake, something you won't even find in Playboy anymore. Read Full Review
Unfortunately, I think this is easily the worst issue of the series. There are good aspects but I hated a lot of it. There's a lot of unnecessary plot elements that I found tedious, Neala-Tok is never an interesting or intimidating villain and it just seems tonally confused in places. As much as I hate to say it because I have loved this series, I recommend skipping this issue. Read Full Review