With their headquarters under siege and overrun with monsters, the Scooby gang has to split up and seek shelter in the city. But when they realize that other plague-survivors are still trapped in the mall, the gang must decide whether to mount a rescue operation-or abandon their friends.
Hopefully, this melodrama will end and we will return to the caustic stubbornness which we have come to appreciate within this title. Read Full Review
Scrappy will turn soon enough, and then we will see how ready those two are. for the outcome. Daphne's process is leading somewhere, but grieving is a long and angry road, and Secret Squirrel is so much fun in just a few short pages. Loved every panel. Read Full Review
Solid writing and art, Scooby Apocalypse #27 brings Scrappy-Doo back in the fold, in an issue that focuses more on character over action, as well as another good entry in the Secret Squirrel back-up story. Read Full Review
Scrappy Doo's re-entry into the series is a nice surprise; it seems as though DeMatteis has an ear for how to keep his personality consistent without making him the irritating character he is so well known for being. Read Full Review
There's some decent material in this subplot, but unfortunately the dialogue doesn't really live up to the potential. Read Full Review
I regardthis chapter in the overall story as maneuvering pieces on the board before thenext big moment (be it actual battle or dramatic conflict). The back-up featureos Secret Squirrel appear to be drawing to a conclusion soon. Cant be soonenough to suit me. Read Full Review