POWER GIRL GETS PREHISTORIC! Power Girl's throwing a housewarming party! But it's soon crashed by ecoterrorists who desire a return to the days when nature flourished without technology. Before she can pause the music and show them the door, they detonate a magic bomb--that takes everyone back to the prehistoric age!
After a few less than memorable steps here and there in the course of the first year or so, Williams Power Girl feels like shes established a nice style that pays homage to where the character has been before while still forging ahead in an appealing new direction. The new ensemble seems to be working out with a great sense of style as Power Girl finds herself in peril that feels quite distinctly her own. Read Full Review
Much like Flash, this is sort of a surreal comic with a cosmic vibe, which doesn't quite fit Power Girl, but it does have a clearer point of view and its cast of characters has some fun energy that carries this title a long way. Read Full Review
While the art is terrific and the dialogue had me chuckling in multiple areas, very little seemed to happen in Power Girl #18. There's still a lot of questions and hopefully it all makes some sense by the resolution of this arc. Read Full Review
This issue is unfortunately a step down from previous entries, with focus on underdeveloped villains and returning allies that add little to the story. Read Full Review
There are some aspects of Power Girl #18 that aren't entirely terrible, but it's going to take something really drastic to change to trajectory of this series. Almost nothing fits the character and everything stems from that. It really says something when the writer focuses more on an ensemble approach or makes the villains more interesting. Read Full Review