The Phantom Stranger suffers the pain of being erased from existence and is forced to leave behind his humanity once and for all!
I really hope that sales increase due to the Forever Evil tie-ins and more people start picking up this book. As of right now, I'm one of a very select few at my own local comic shop who not only reads this issue and enjoys it, but actually purchases it every month. It's slowly becoming one of my favorites, and this is a very welcome surprise. There's nothing better than having good creators change your opinions on characters you never used to like. I hope that others start feeling the same way soon so I have someone to talk to about this great title. Read Full Review
This title continues to be great month after month. The Phantom Stranger has so much untapped potential that you could pretty much to anything with the character and make it work. Now the Stranger is back from being erased from existence, and we're starting a new interesting story, so for everyone who needs a jumping off point. Well this might not be it, but you'll probably enjoy it enough to pick up a few back issues. Great issue, go check it out. Read Full Review
There is hardly a moment where DeMatteis is off form here, and he is still hitting all marks with this series and hopefully continues this sort of quality once Forever Evil: Blight hits stands. As for the art side there is not much to say, other than Fernando Blanco is seriously bringing it. Even though for a while I believed that none could compare to Gene Ha when talking about work on this book Blanco has proved me inordinately wrong. His work ranges from the creative, to the simplistic; from the ordered, to the incredibly chaotic and never fails to create a lasting tone and impression on the reader. Its one of those perfect matches of style and content that one so rarely sees in mainstream Big Two comics these days. With event after event bringing attention to this series what seemed to be dead in the water now has become a series with some tangible staying power. Read Full Review
This is the worst issue of this comic since J. M. DeMatteis took over, which isnt to say that its bad. Its still a good comic, it just doesnt match up to the standards set by its predecessors. Honestly, if youre just looking to get into this series for the first time, Id suggest either going back to issue #11 or waiting to see if issue #13 is a good jumping-on point (although Im guessing it probably wont be). Forever Evil: Blight isnt until issue #14, so either the current plot will be wrapped up next month, or its going to get dragged into the crossover. Well just have to wait and see. Read Full Review