What anti-semitism are you talking about, son
Spinning out of DC Future State, the story of how Shilo Norman became the Mister Miracle of tomorrow starts here.
The Mister Miracle show used to be the hottest ticket in town, whether you caught him onstage escaping from perilous traps or spotted him on the streets of Metropolis taking out bad guys. What Shilo Norman forgot is the first rule of both showbiz and super-heroing: always leave them wanting more. Now it’s time to start showing the world what a miracle man can do. Showbiz/superhero rule #2: timing is everything. There’s a new performer in town who wants to knock Mister Miracle off his pedestal and stake a claim to his famous moniker! Can Shilo break free of this trap? (Why yes, that is a clue.) more
Mister Miracle: The Source of Freedom #1is packed full of all the death-defying thrills and Kirby Krackle that you've come to expect from the titular escape artist. With a jaw-dropper of a cliffhanger, the creative team may have placed Shilo Norman into a trap he can't easily escape from. I hope to see what else this series has in store for the rest of its run. Read Full Review
What made me give the story a shot in the first place was Fico Ossio's art. He's done some great work and did not disappoint in Mr. Miracle: The Source of Freedom #1. But now, I want to see Easton's story through. He's got a lot to address in six issues, but it's a subject very much worth investing in. Read Full Review
Mister Miracle: The Source of Freedom #1 is a great issue for both new and seasoned readers. With a talented creative team, I am looking forward to what can be accomplished with the character and the series. Mister Miracle: The Source of Freedom should be on everyones reading lists this summer. Read Full Review
A lot of DC books have been unafraid to take on racial issues lately, but this is one of the most explicit. When it works, it really works"but unfortunately, it struggles with making Shiloh Norman a character we want to invest in. Read Full Review
Ossio gives us some spectacular art, and the story raises interesting question about being a hero and a Black man in the year 2021, making for an interesting overall package. Read Full Review
Brandon Easton kicks off his Mister Miracle series with an issue that didn't give me much of a connection to his lead character but made me want to see more of his plight and fight. Those unfamiliar with Shilo Norman may wonder what's going on, but the issue looks great and has a very intriguing cliffhanger. I am not sold on this book just yet, but Easton at least has me interested. Read Full Review
Norman is a breath of fresh air among some of DC's more classic titles right now, and sometimes that's the best thing a book can be. Read Full Review
A gorgeous debut issue marred by an unfocused script that tries to tackle too many things at once. Read Full Review
The Source of Freedom #1 struggles to assert its leading man and find its own calling amid the looming legacies of Mister Miracle. Read Full Review
With its odd mid-2000s vibe and lack of focus, "Mister Miracle: The Source of Freedom" #1 is the definition of meh Read Full Review
Mister Miracle the Source of Freedom #1 (OF 6) Will have a considerably conservative 2 Covers: CVR A YANICK PAQUETTE; CVR B VALENTINE DE LANDRO CARD STOCK VAR. Read Full Review
Great art and a strong introduction to Shilo Norman. Just wondeirng where Scott Free is at.
I don't like the art but the colors are very well done. The idea of Mr Miracle as a brand is interesting, the soial commentary is also nice. It looks like the villain will be good.
Much better than the Future State back-ups, so of course people with bad taste dislike it.
A decent first entry, which I'm looking forward to seeing unfold over time. I have some reservations for the art though, which is hit or miss depending on the page.
This was okay!
A black guy telling a Jew that he doesn’t know what it’s like to be looked down upon because of race comes across as a little tone deaf considering the recent rise in anti-Semitism
Mostly the left-wing antisemitism we've seen these last weeks, add to that the far-right's antisemitism. It's probably the only thing that the leftists and far-righters agree about. Both gropus viscerally hate Jews. The only difference is that the far-right is blatantly honest about their hate while the leftists package their hate in a fake "concern" about Palestina.
The real antisemitic take is acting like Israel and Zionists represent Jewish people.
Israel represents Jewish people, sorry your dumb ass can't understand that. But I see, you're one of those "anti-Zionist" guys. That's just a thinly-veiled way of saying you hate Jews and Israel. I hate antisemites, please go away.
And just stop talking with me or involving yourself in conversations I'm involved. You blocked me like the moronic COWARD that you are, you keep talking behind my back without giving me the chance to defend myself, WHY ARE YOU STILL TRYING TO TALK WITH ME? Logic says that when you block someone you don't want to keep talking with him, yet this is the third of fourth time you do it. You're either schizophrenic or just really, really stupid. Or maybe both.
Israel does not represent Jewish people. That's incredibly bigoted to say. That you'd tie a terrible apartheid state to a group of people is very telling. That type of thinking is why hate crimes against Jewish people go up after the Israel/Palestinian conflict heats up again. I think the Israeli government only represents the Israeli government. Quit assuming Jews are a hive mind. That's antisemitic.
Israel represents the Jewish people. That has nothing to do with bigotism. Apartheid state lol. No, hate crime against Jewish peope go up because of people like you who perpetuate anti-Semitic conspiracy theories. And STOP TALKING WITH ME SINCE YOU'VE BLOCKED ME, you utter moron!
Says the anti-Semite who tries, but fails, to hide his true colors and his hate towards Israel and its people.
I don't hate Israel, just the terrible authoritarian right government. Again, you're the one being anti-semitic by acting like it represents Jewish people. How terrible.
That's how democracy works. Or, if you want to play it this way, Joe Biden doesn't represents American citizens so he's not a legitimate president. Same thing. :)
Also, elected representatives do represent the people who elected them, but that doesn't mean the actions of the government are the actions of the people.
Most American live in America, most British live in UK, most Jews in Israel. Diaspora can vote too. I know you're extremely retarded but even a cretin like you gets that. It's just that you can't contain your hate for Israel and Jews, you're almost as bad as far-righters.
I'm critical of the actions of the Israeli government. As anyone with a sense of morals should be.
Stop with this nonsense that the government doesn't represent the people, that's democracy. Or, like I said, you could admit that Biden is not the legitimate president of US, by your backwards logic. Can you just stop talking with me, you retarded moron since you blocked me?
You do know most Jews actually live in the United States? And the diaspora can't vote directly in the Israeli elections, but rather can vote for action within their native governments. Also, there's a large portion of Palestinians within Israel that aren't allowed a vote. So not even people who live there can all vote.
What makes someone a legitimate president of the United States is winning the election, which Biden did. That doesn't mean all his actions represent the goals and stances of all Americans. That's an impossible standard.
Ok. You're either incredibly, incredibly stupid or you're just trolling because you hate Israel so much and you're looking for ridiculous stuff to justify your hate. Either way, I'm done trying to argue with retarded morons. One good thing I took from this conversation, though, it seems like Biden is not the legitimate US president so that has to count for something. Bye bye now and stop interfering in my conversations, you dumb schizophrenic!
Advice to Rasiel: block this moron, since that's the way he deals with people he disagrees with, it's fair game.
Israeli citizens may vote regardless of their current resident status. However, in practice, Israeli expats are required to travel to Israel in order to vote, because voting is only possible in ballot boxes, and ballot boxes are only set up in Israel and in the Palestinian territories. (Voting outside of Israel is available to restricted groups of military and diplomatic personnel that are stationed outside of Israel. -> From Wikipedia, this is just so people don't listen to anti-Semitic lies.
Here's a fun graphic, btw: https://imeu.org/article/who-can-vote-in-israeli-elections/
That was not for you, I'm done talking with you. You blocked me, I'm ignoring you. It would be lovely if you would do the same.
Well, I responded because as I said earlier, I am not content with letting bigotry run rampant.
Nope, just speaking out the truth, both of you should go away if my reviews upset you so much.
I enjoyed the Mr. Miracle from FS so I was looking forward to this. I couldn't be more disappointed. Another race-baiting comic that at times was actually pretty racist. And after the cliffhanger, I'm sure it will get even worse.
If you've read it and you ask me there's little point in me breaking it down to you, sorry.
Thanks for the advice, could you be so nice to recommend me your psychiatrist?
you must be blind or an idiot because this comic isnt racist or have race baiting at all. I understand you not liking DC Comics but stop being so biased.
Talk about being blind lol. Come at me again like this and I'll block you. Same goes for any other moron who decides it's a good idea to come at someone and insult them without even having the decency of bringing a constructive argument to the table.
I mean, I just politely asked you what about it was racist and your "constructive argument" was to not explain it to me since I've read it myself. If you don't wanna be called names, maybe don't act like that.
I was not referring to you, I said anyone who decides to insult me. You didn't but this moron did. You're just pretending everything here is okay and I don't have the energy to "enlighten" you. I'm sure if you've read the issue you've seen the blatant identity politics but you're one of those guys who likes to act dumb because he actually agrees with this type of race-baiting.
M. Read the issue and while I won't label it race-baitining, there is an aspect of race that the writer chose to include which, unfortunately, is reflective of our times. And that's OK. Is it what I expected from the comic? No. But it's "applicable" given the character. It didn't take ME out of the story. Guess it was different for you hence the rating and you know what - that's also OK. I actually wasn't a fan of the art after the first few pages. Not sure what bits were racist. Will re-read.
Since you weren't a douche like these guys, I'll actually answer to you where I though the book tilted towards a racist view. For one thing, I despise the identity politics in it which are, by default racist and tribal. I disagree about the themes being "reflective of our times" especially in the context that Easton chose to convey those themes. But what annoyed me the most was when Shilo dated that girl and he is super shocked when she says she sees him as "normal".
Now, it MAY have been because he's a superhero and he's got a weird life but given that sequence comes right after Shilo gives a whole diatribe about race I'm pretty sure it's about race, too. The thing is, the fact that only a black girl could see him as normal is stupid because two panels ago he's talking with his agent, a white guy, who doesn't give him any weird looks or anything, he actually sympathizes with him.
I may have read too much into that but it's not the first time I've read a race-baiting comic from Easton, he did it in Superman Red and Blue too. Thing is, I actually think he's not a bad writer so when he doesn't use his talent and does this sort of thing it's even more annoying. I'm just disappointed because I was hoping this comic wouldn't take this easy route.
Ok, fair enough. And I DO see your point because the "You're Normal" comment initially did have me thinking "huh?" and truth be told I DID read it in the context of his race before brushing it aside and thinking otherwise. Perhaps that may be considered "race-baiting" but I'm no expert on the subject. On Eaton's other writing that has same tropes, I can't comment on. But yeah, just seems like the issue wasn't your cuppa tea for the reasons you gave. Which is fine.