Midnighter And Apollo #1
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Midnighter And Apollo #1

Writer: Steve Orlando Artist: Fernando Blanco Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: October 5, 2016 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 16 User Reviews: 14
8.7Critic Rating
8.3User Rating

You wanted it? You got it-six more issues of Midnighter madness! Together again after too long apart, Midnighter and Apollo take on subway pirates in Los Angeles and demons in Opal City...but their reunion is about to take a shocking turn and send them both on an epic journey beyond all belief!

  • 10
    CourtOfNerds - Grant Stoye Oct 6, 2016

    Having ACO doing the covers and Orlando telling the story is a comforting notion for those who were extremely disappointed when Midnighter got the ax, and so far this story continues every bit of snark and violence that made the book so much fun. Now we get to see more about Midnighter as part of a loving couple, we get to see him unlock his emotions and dismantle any threat to him or his boyfriend. And it's all fast-paced and insane. God, I loved this book. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Pop Culture Uncovered - soshillinois Oct 5, 2016

    While Midnighter and Apollo is painfully short, it is at least a great way to go out in style for these characters, and definitely worth the money in this market. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Comicosity - Matt Santori Oct 5, 2016

    Whether you loved Midnighter, are coming to Midnighter and Apollo from years away, or jumping in for the first time, this book has it all. Action, deep characterization, kickass and emotional art, brilliant Easter eggs for the universally astute, and more than anything just an astonishing fun comic book adventure. Anything can happen, and likely will, and thats what makes comic books so damn great. Read Full Review

  • 9.5
    Graphic Policy - Logan Dalton Oct 5, 2016

    Come for the punching and one-liners, but stay for the messy, yet star-crossed relationship between Midnighter and Apollo, who are truly DC Comics' power couple. Read Full Review

  • 9.5
    Bounding Into Comics - Daniel Mills Oct 6, 2016

    Midnighter didn't quite make a mark until his appearances in the pages of Tom King and Tim Seeley's Grayson series. There, a witty and hilarious brute showed the former Nightwing just what his computer-enhanced brain could do. Serving as more of an anti-hero, he quickly became a fan favorite in need of his own series. Enter Steve Orlando, an excellent writer who managed to turn that small amount of momentum into an incredibly progressive and fun comic series. In Midnighter and Apollo #1 he continues the fun with a touch of romance. As the superhero couples' relationship progresses, their faced with a wide plethora of issues to deal with. While some story elements are romantic cliches, the rest make for one hell of an issue. Fernando Blanco also nails the intense action while creating some beautiful scene work. With a team like this behind the curtain, Midnighter and Apollo are in for the adventure of their lifetimes. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Newsarama - C.K. Stewart Oct 5, 2016

    Midnighter and Apollo #1 is a strong debut issue for the miniseries, building on the world Orlando created in his groundbreaking Mindighter solo run but teasing a perhaps more supernaturally-imbued tale than we saw in Midnighter’s first battle against the military industrial complex run amok. Fernando Blanco and Romulo Fajardo, Jr. keep the book visually consistent but offer up a slightly softer edge, emphasizing that Midnighter and Apollo #1 is a continuation and not a reboot; this is another welcome step in the journey that felt like it almost ended too soon in May. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Comics: The Gathering - John White Oct 5, 2016

    Midnighter and Apollo #1 allows Steve Orlando to continue the great work he began in the solo series. While this is above all an action series, with two of the heaviest hitters in the DC universe as main characters, the action would have no meaning if the characters were not developed enough for the audience to care for them. If the first issue is anything to go off of, this series will focus as much on the personal relationship between the two title characters, as it will with their conflicts with their enemies. Steve Orlando looks to highlight one of the most equal in committed romances in all of comics. The fact that they can take down just about any one who would dare get in their way, hero or villain, is just icing on the cake. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Capeless Crusader - Murphy Leigh Oct 5, 2016

    VerdictYou have no idea how excited I was for this book, and so far, it's held up to my hopes! Orlando sets up what has the potential to be a fascinating story, and while I could argue that involving Hell as a location might speak to cliches about LGBT people and Christianity, it hasn't actually been done before, so I'll just leave that at that. Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    AIPT - David Brooke Oct 5, 2016

    Midnighter and Apollo is fun in a breakneck, "Did I just see that?" sort of way. On top of that, it sets some high stakes for our heroes in love and establishes the story in an exciting way. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Multiversity Comics - Ken Godberson III Oct 10, 2016

    You liked "Midnighter"? Well this is that book plus another name in the title! Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Nerdophiles - Jackson Adams Oct 12, 2016

    All of this lends itself to the sense of history and place that Orlando tends to build into most of his superhero work. There's a real feeling that despite being a man built only to kill dating a god who has no interest in saving humanity, the characters feel real and have real struggles and difficulties just existing in the world. It's about the most you could want from a comic this brash and exciting and it's the perfect successor to Orlando, ACO and Blanco's first run on Midnighter as well as a solid place to start for those less familiar with these characters. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    The Beat - Alexander Lu Oct 5, 2016

    It's a powerful start to a promising mini-series and I look forward to seeing where it goes. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    DC Comics News - Derek McNeil Oct 5, 2016

    A great return for the team of Midnighter and Apollo, one of comics' greatest couples. The book is full of action, romance, suspense, nostalgic winks at DC's past, and even a bit of philosophical musing about the necessity of killing. Who could ask for more? Read Full Review

  • 7.9
    IGN - Jesse Schedeen Oct 6, 2016

    Orlando shows a real flair for showcasing the weird, wacky side of the DCU while simultaneously keeping the focus on Midnighter's personal struggles and relationship with Apollo. Read Full Review

  • 7.5
    Weird Science - Jim Werner Oct 5, 2016

    Steve Orlando does a good job with the start of this mini.  Sure, the beginning falls into the same trap that the last series did with the dialogue, but it quickly calms down and gives us some really good moments.  The art was good and helped tell the story and it all ends with a cliffhanger that really couldn't have gotten any more personal. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Comic Crusaders - Dusty Good Oct 10, 2016

    It's nice to hear that the Wildstorm Universe is coming back. The Authority was one of the best super hero team books on the shelves for a number of years and slowly faded away. With the looming return of so many interesting characters this title may be the precursor to amazing things. I say check this one out for the story, but to the collectors out there, you might want to grab a copy just in case this is the lightening rod that brings back the Storm. Read Full Review

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