Legends of the Dark Knight 100 Page Super Spectacular #4

Writer: Aaron Lopresti, Doug Wagner, Marc Guggenheim Artist: Aaron Lopresti, Mathew Dow Smith, Federico Dallocchio Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: September 10, 2014 Cover Price: $9.99 Critic Reviews: 1
7.0Critic Rating
N/AUser Rating

In "I...Batman," there's a new face of crimefighting in Gotham City, but will this twisted creation do more harm than good? Next, a serial killer targets random citizens of Gotham for a fiery death, and the Dark Knight detects a pattern the police didn't in "Ashes to Ashes." Finally, in "Herded Limits," when the Dark Knight foils the Riddler's latest plot, Dr. Chase Meridian presents evidence that Edward Nigma isn't clinically insane after all!

  • 7.0
    Batman-News - Elena Carrillo Sep 11, 2014

    I always feel like these collections do provide plenty of content for your ten bucks, and any time spent with Batman is a good time. These aren't the strongest tales, but we're getting to the end of the Legends series, so I guess this is what's left. Still, they're entertaining and if you missed the digital editions this is a good way to catch up. Fun, rainy day afternoon filler. Read Full Review

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