What unseen horrors lurk beyond the borders of the known and the klown? A whispered secret from the elbow of a garden gnome, a parking-lot pass that was lost under the antediluvian car seat from hell, and a nihilistic grease trap that does taxes incorrectly-all of these things and more…are not in this comic. It’s Harls again! Part two of this story is just as weird and wacked-out to the max as the last one. This time we’ll reveal the one true secret origin of Harley Quinn, and I’ll go toe-to-toe-to-toe with one of Superman’s greatest foes! Plus, my best pals Leah Williams and Ben Templesmith are turning the clocks backward and forwamore
Knight Terrors: Harley Quinn #2 is a tour de force. Complete with the shockingly dark homage to Alex Dewitt, Kyle Rayner's girlfriend (written in Green Lantern #54). I couldn't write this review without that mention, and that's just one reference that fans can find among these lore laced pages. Read Full Review
Knight Terrors - Harley Quinn #4 is a wild romp through Harley's nightmare of being an A-List hero in the Justice League. The final issue of this limited series tie-in continues the multiversal madness. Ths issue works well as a deconstruction of Harley and the line she walks between being a hero and an anti-hero, all the while bridging the gap seamlessly back into the ongoing series next month. Read Full Review
This is an inventive issue and a must read for Harley fans. Read Full Review
What works here is the fun homages to 1950s comics, but some of the darker stuff isn't as compellingbut it's interesting that while Insomnia is the power here, this has some major ties to the ongoing story in Howard's run as well. Read Full Review
If you ever wanted to see Harley Quinn as the greatest superhero of the DC universe, step right up and read Knight Terrors: Harley Quinn #2. This issue also ties into the main story so don't miss it if you've been enjoying the main series. Read Full Review
Knight Terrors: Harley Quinn #2 is an enjoyable second part to Harleys Knight Terror story. It gives us a fun look at Harley as a Supergirl-style hero and detours Harleys previous storyline back on track after the Knight Terrors interruption. Read Full Review
Knight Terrors: Harley Quinn #2 feels empty. The idea was great, and there are some really interesting pieces of dialogue. Read Full Review
I liked this book. If Howard is able to slow down and focus on Harley's character development, we may be in for a better run moving forward. Read Full Review
Knight Terrors: Harley Quinn #2 is notable for being the Knight Terrors tie-in that has the least to do with Knight Terrors and the most to do with the main title. If there was supposed to be a nightmare scenario, Howard didn't get the memo, and the big thing to come out of this issue is the tease that Harley's multiverse adventures will continue for a long time to come. Oy! Read Full Review
Knight Terrors: Harley Quinn #2 continues to have absolutely nothing to do with Knight Terrors and while the main story in the issue has its moments and is interesting, like the current Harley Quinn title it's honestly just a mess that feels like it is less a coherent story and just a grab bag of discarded ideas that got stretched into something else. Read Full Review
All I can say to you is: don't buy mainstream Harley Quinn comics. No, don't even buy a variant cover even if you think it looks pretty. They're a waste of money. DC doesn't deserve payment for continuing to beat the dead horse that is Harley Quinn. Tini Howard isn't even writing a story here; she's writing a collection of half-thoughts and ideas strewn together. What more can I say? Read Full Review