Obsidian at long last reunites with his father Alan Scott after the intense madness of the recent JLA/JSA crossover as both come to terms with what their family has just been through. Can these two heroes pick up the pieces and move on after the devastation they've just survived? Don't miss this special issue written by superstar scribe James Robinson!
I just wonder if these changes ... with magic gathering on the moon ... will become canon for the DCU. Jesus Merino does solid work here. I always have liked his work. His splash pages here are great, conveying the right emotion and matching the text nicely. Read Full Review
You know, there was a time when I'd easily point to James Robinson(who wrote this)and say, "You KNOW you'll be getting a quality read when you pick up a comic with his name on it." Now? I don't think that holds up anymore. He's not near the writer he was during his amazing Starman run. Read Full Review
This issue could have been presented as a short subplot in a regular issue. As a stand-alone story, it's mighty weak. Read Full Review
"Justice Society of America" this month is a lot like Robinson's run on "Justice League of America," with good intentions but coming across slightly uneven and a bit of a muddle to boot. Merino's art is a nice temporary salve to an ultimately unsatisfying issue, but I'd hoped for something stronger here. Read Full Review
Maybe this new "Starheart" City and the Obsidian-Jade threat will result in some pretty good stories later on but for now, they look contrived and dull. Read Full Review